How is Cement Made?

Cement, today, is by far the most useful of all the building materials. It is being used in all countries throughout the world as a binding material in the construction of buildings and civil engineering. It is a grey colored powder. When mixed with water and allowed to settle for some time, it becomes as hard as stone. The principle minerals in cement are lime (which comes from mainly limestone), silica and alumina (which are provided by clay). Cement was discovered by the Romans around 250 B.C. They made it by mixing slaked lime and sand with the volcanic ash. As it was obtained from a place named Pozzuoli, it was called pozzolana. Upto the middle of the 18th century, it was in common use. In 1757 an improved version was developed by John Smeaton, a British engineer. It was obtained by heating a mixture of slaked lime and clay. It remained in use for many years.

The most common kind of cement was made by an Englishma, Joseph Aspdin in 1824. When set, its color would become similar to that of the Portland Stones. Hence, it was called Portland Cement. Portland Cement is made by missing one part of clay and three parts of limestone in a very hot oven. Both the raw materials are powdered with the help os a crushing machine and mixed together by a blending mill. This mixture is then sent to the hot oven called a kiln. It is heated to about 1500-1600 Degree C to form a hard mass called clinker. When the clinker cools down, it is grounded into a fine powder with a mineral called gypsum in a grinder. About 3% of gypsum is added to it to regulate the time that the cement takes to harden. This is known as the Portland cement.In India, the Indian Cement Company was established at Porbunder in 1914. Today, cement is being manufactured on a large scale to meet its manufactured on a large scale to meet its increasing demand, scientists have also been able to develop a special cement from rice husk.

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