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Plants and Animals

How do aquatic animals survive in frozen lakes?

Generally all liquids expand on heating but water is an exception.At 0c if water is heated gradually its volume decrease and this contraction continues till the temperature rise to 4c. Above 4c water starts expanding and keeps on expanding with further rise in temperature…. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Why do flowers have Fragrance?

Different flowers contain different oils which give specific Fragrance to flowers. As these oils gradually keep on evaporating the Fragrance of the flowers spreads in the air. Infact perfumes are preared from the iols extracted from these flowers….. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Why do flies rub their legs together?

Fly is a two winged insect that has some 90,000 diferent species of it. The housefly is one of the most common of all flies. The housefly has a dull gray bristled body that is about 7 mm in length. It has large reddish compound eyes. Its mouth cannot bite but consists of a spongy pad…. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Can the fishes hear?

The most surprising fact about fishes is that you cannot hear them but they can certainly hear you. Fishes are very well-equipped for hearing. They have a pair of ears. These ears do not have an outer projection as we have but are simply tiny holes on either side of the head leading to the inner ear… [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

How does a firefly glow at night?

The firefly is in fact a flying worm. Both the male and the female of this worm have wings. In some species however females are without wings and are known as glow worms. They are blackish and their bodies are very soft…. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Why do the eyes of some animals shine in the dark?

The eyes of these animals have a thin layer of a special crystalline substance which reflects the light falling on it. this reflected light is the cause of the shine. In the night even the smallest amount of light falling on this ctystalline surface gets reflected and thus we see the shining eyes…. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Which animal can see with its eyes closed?

There are about 2000 lizard species in the world including chameleon iguana and skins. Skinks are one of the two largest families of lizard. They are found in all the tropical countries but they are most abundant in Africa East indies and Australia. They belong to the Cincidae family… [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

How do we estimate the age of a tree?

On the basis of age plants are divided into three categories: annuals bi-annuals and perennials. The annualare those plants which take birth grow up give fruits and die within a year. Wheat barley gram,peas,tomato- all live for one year only…. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Which sea animals emit light?

There are about 600 marine organisms which produce light from their bodies. The main groups of marine luminescent organisms include protozoans, coelentrates, polychactes molluscs, crustaceans and fishers. Many sea bacteria are also luminescent. Sponges jellyfish beetles files and earthworms also produce light…. [… More info ..]