How do we see distant objects with Binoculars?

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How do we see distant objects with Binoculars?

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Seeing with Binoculars

Binoculars are a pair of small telescopes built into a frame or casting. The twotelescopes in binoculars are exactly similar in structure and meant for each eye. Each telescope is built into a funnel-shaped tube or cylinder. It consists of one objective lense and one eyepiece. The objective lense is kept towards the object and the eyepiece near the eye. The lenses are anti-reflection coated. Two prism are also mounted between the objective lens and the eye piece to make the image of the object erect.


The light from the object falls on the objective lens and an inverted image is produced by it. This image is further inverted by the two prism thus the image becomes erect. The eyepiece further magnifies this image. This is how we see the erect and magnified image of the object.Binoculars usually have two numbers printed or engraved on the outer covering. The first number is the power of magnification and the second number shows the diameter of the objective lens in millimeter. Binoculars provide stereoscopic vision ie. depth preception at great distance by using both eyes at the same time. Many modern microscopes also use binoculars. This is to get a cleared and three dimensional of the object.

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