The Nauchandi Mela or Fair is held on the second Sunday after Holi every year in Meerut in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The city hums with events as people from far or near come to participate in the Fair. The management of the Nauchandi Fair was in the hands of the landlords, but now it is organised locally ( by the municipal corporation ). It has many stalls, and plays a host to more than 50,000 people every day.
Nauchandi Mela is one of the biggest Mela, and one of the most colourful and interesting fairs in India. The Nauchandi Mela is held on some 4 or 5 sq km area. The area is crisscrossed by pathways and many of stalls sell handicrafts and also machine made products from different parts of India like Jewellery, Furniture, Ceramics, Glassware, Textiles, Perfumes, Leather etc. And Wheels, Games, Nautankis and cultural performances add to the ambience.
Nauchandi Mela happens to be a great place from the point of view of a shopper or a trader both.