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Plants and Animals

Why are stripes boon to the zebras?

Zebra is a member of the horse family. But as compared to other members of this family stands apart because of its striped coat. Each animal has its own special pattern of stripes. Today we have three species of zebra that have survived over the ages…. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Why do Woodpeckers peck the trees?

A woodpecker is a bird which gets its name as it pecks the wood of trees looking for insects to eat. The woodpecker is a hreat help to the trees because quite often the insects and worms are harmful for the trees. The woodpecker can find them instinctively even when they cannot be seen outside. Then he drill a deep hole and straight gets down to them. …… [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

What is a Racoon?

The name racoon comes from the American indian word arakhuman. They are furry mammals and belong to the family procyonidea. They are found in the stretch from southern canada to panama except in the high rockies. Racoon is usually gray in colour sometimes tinged with yellow or brown….. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Does any animal wash its food?

Racoon is such an interesting animal. Most recoon wash their food, and tere have been instances when not finding water to wash their food, They refused to eat. Nobody really knows why racoons wash their food…. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals


Viruses are micro organisms which cause various diseases in all types of living bodies, so much so that even bacteria are affected by viruses. There ia a helpful virus called bacteriophage which eats bacteria and can not be seen by necked eye. Strangely enough viruses are considered both as living and nonliving objects…. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Do animals have three eyes?

Tuatara or Sphenodon Punctatus is a strange lizard like animal that has three eyes. It is the only animal in the reptile group which is placed in a separated subgroup rhynchocephalia. Although it resembles lizards it is truly a precious living fossil since this reptile order goes back to the time of the dinosaurs….. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

How do plants take and make their food?

Plants derive their food both from the earth and the air. If you minutely look at their roots you will find that the ends of these roots are like fine fibres. We call them root-hairs. They absorb water and minerals and transport them upwards to the leaves through the trunk and the branches…. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Why do animals have a tail?

All vertebrates except man have a tail. According to scientists there was a time when man also had a tail. But when he stopped using it it fell into disuse and became extinct. We still have a mark of a tail on our body. The tail is found in the post-anal part of the body….. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Why don’t leaves get heated in sunlight ?

Anything exposed to the sunlight for some time becomes very hot especially during the summer months. A scrap of paper or a piece of metal kept in the sunlight may even become too hot to touch after a while. A plant leaf is made up of several layers of cells…. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Why don’t Spiders get caught in their own Webs?

The web made by a spider is a fascinating thing but spider itself is more amazing in many other respects. It is a peculiar creature found in all seasons and at all places- air water land and also inside the earth. Its size varies from that of a small dot to 20 cms… [… More info ..]