Can animal reason?
Animals do have power of reasoning but compared to human beings it is very small. Amongst the animals themselves the degree of reasoning varies… [… More info ..]
Animals do have power of reasoning but compared to human beings it is very small. Amongst the animals themselves the degree of reasoning varies… [… More info ..]
Amongst all the living beings man is the only creature on earth who can communicate with the help of words or speech. This is because of the higher development of our brain. Because of a less developed brain, animals have not been able to originate words or a language to express their feeling…. [… More info ..]
There are millions of animals found on earth who move about in hundreds of different ways. Some walk or run while some others jump crawl swim fly or glide. The various types of movements of different land animals are as follows… [… More info ..]
Some names of animals have regional significance. For example the word ‘camel’ comes from Arabic ‘jamal’ and ‘giraffe’ from ‘zirafah’ which means long neck.
The names like OX, COW, Bull, and DEER have Anglo-saxon derivations.
The name CAT comes from the latin word ‘gata’… [… More info ..]
It has been found that dogs cannot distinguish between different colours. Some dogs were given eatable of different colours. The variation in colours had no effect on them. This has proved that dogs cannot identify different colours. Some experiment of this type were also conducted on cats… [… More info ..]
Get to know all stuff. Get to know how and why, when and where of General Knowledge, Science and Technology, Plants and Animals, Human Body, Earth Science, Universe, Scientist and Inventions, Sports and Entertainment, Modern [… More info ..]
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