Can animal reason?

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<blockquote><p><strong>Can animals reason?</strong></p></blockquote>
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Reasoning by Animals

Animals do have power of reasoning but compared to human beings it is very small. Amongst the animals themselves the degree of reasoning varies.
Some experiments have led to the conclusion that monkeys and apes have better reasoning than other animals. An experiment was conducted to test the reasoning power of the monkeys. In this experiment two wooden boxes were placed in a room and a bunch of bananas was hanged at a height beyond the reach of the monkeys. When a monkey was left in the room it looked at the boxes. It put one box over another and then climbed on them. Thus it was able to pluck the bunch of bananas. This proved that the monkeys could think how to use the boxes to get the bananas. Agains a monkey is an animal who can also dicriminate among colours. It can be trained and taught to learn many things.

Reasoning by Animals[/

Scientists belived that dogs cats and some other animals can also use their reason upto some extent. For instance the pet dogs if taught can learn many things. You might have seen a bear show in which the bear acts according to the commands of his master. It is obvious that it uses its memory in its performance. Birds are always on the lookout for food. Whenever they see any food stuff they fly down and lift it. The lizard uses its reason to capture its prey. If you look at the birds nests you have to concede that certain amount of reasoning has definitely gone into their formation. These nests have special arrangements for regulating heat and light. They are fabricated for laying eggs and protecting the young ones.

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