Why do animals have a tail?

Different Animal and their tail

Animal and their tailAll vertebrates except man have a tail. According to scientists there was a time when man also had a tail. But when he stopped using it it fell into disuse and became extinct. We still have a mark of a tail on our body. The tail is found in the post-anal part of the body. It has different uses in different animals. In fishes it is surrounded by a tail fin and plays an important part in proving forward trust. They have different types of tails. These help them in swimming and proving the upward movement. In crocodiles and whales the tail acts as a powerful organ for locomotion. In frogs and toads the tail and tail-fin are present only in the larval ststes and absent in the adult. Crocodiles use their tails for defence and also to attack their enemies. All reptiles possess a well-developed tail. The length of these tails is different in different retiles. Tortoises and turtles have short tails while lizards have long ones. If somebody attacks a lizard it can break a part of its tail. It is a defence mechanism. Reptiles perform wriggling movements with the help of their tails. Lizards after sometime regenerate a new tail. In chameleon the tail is quite long. It can be rolled downwards to coil round the branches for extra grip.

The tail of snake is small in size. It acts as a storehouse of fat. The tail of the sea snake is small in size and oar-shaped and helps it in swimming. Real tail in bird is extremely short and stumpy. It gives a support for the feathers. Feathers help birds in flying. Most mammals have well developed tails. With these they can get rid if flies. Men and apes do not have such tails. Whales have two lobes of tail fin of which one is at right and one at left. It helps it in swimming The tails of Kangaroos and squirrels act as a balancing organ during walk and leap. During winter season when squirrels hibernate the hairy tail acts as a blanket. Rabbits use their tails for poviding warning signals. Peacocks display their tails to attract the opposite sex. In this way we see that different vertebrates make use of their tails for some purpose or the other.

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