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Modern Science

What are Communication Satellites?

An artificial satellite is a man-made Moon that orbits around the Earth. With the help of rockets, they are launched into geostationary orbits. Artificial satellites are of many different shapes and sizes and are sent into orbit for several different reasons. They usually have solar cells which convert the energy of the Sun into electricity which is used to run the satellite instruments….. [… More info ..]

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Modern Science

How does a Refrigerator works?

A refrigerator is a cabinet used for keeping food and other substances cool and fresh. It has solved the problem of storing food for short periods, particularly in hot climates. The freezing compartment can store foods for months together….. [… More info ..]

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Modern Science

What is a Planetarium?

A Planetarium is a special type of building where a dumbbell shaped planetarium projector is used to recreate the night sky on the inside of the dome-shaped ceiling. It is a very complex instrument fitted with lenses, prisms and mirrors….. [… More info ..]

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Modern Science

How do we take photograph with a camera?

A camera is the instrument that will give us a picture of a person or a scene called a photograph, that can be kept for sweet memory. It has become one of the most important means of communication and expression in modern times. Basically, a camera is a dark box fitted with a lens on one side…. [… More info ..]

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Modern Science

How are Perfumes made?

Perfume is a blend of substances made from plant oils, flowers and synthetic materials which produce a pleasant smell. People use perfumes to make themselves smell sweet and more attractive. The word perfume comes from Latin, perfumum which means ‘from or through smoke’. The earliest makers of perfumes burnt aromatic woods and gums, using their perfumes at religious ceremonies…. [… More info ..]

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Modern Science

How is paper made?

Paper gets its name from papyrus (a tree with thick fibrous stems), a plant that grows in the swamps in Egypt. The ancient Egyptians made a kind of paper from papyrus. But the Chinese invented the art of making paper as we know it today. About 1900 years ago the Chinese learned to separate the fibres from the mulberry bark…. [… More info ..]

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Modern Science

Who was the First Man to Land on the Moon?

The first concrete step to land on moon was taken by the Russians when they launched the artificial satellite Sputnik I on 4 October, 1957. A month later on 3 November, 1957 a bigger Sputnik II was sent into the space. It took along, the first living creature, a dog named Liaka…. [… More info ..]

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Modern Science

What is a Lie Detector?

John A Larson, a medical student from California University developed a machine in 1921 which can detect lies with a fair degrees of accuracy. This machine is know as ‘Polygraph’ or a Lie Detector. In 1927, the American inventor Allan Bell another improved model of a Lie Detector which was able to detect slight tremblings in the voice which often occur when a person tells a lie….. [… More info ..]

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Modern Science

What are Isotopes?

All elements are made up of tiny invisible particles called atoms. According to the scientists, at the centre of an atom there is a core called the nucleus around which the electrons revolve in different orbits. The nucleus is made up of two types of particles called protons and neutrons…. [… More info ..]

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Modern Science

What are Holograms?

Holograms are amazing pictures that appear to have depth just like the real object. For example, if you look at a hologram of the front of a cube and then move to one side, you will see the sides of the cube just as if you were walking around it. Holograms are made with lasers….. [… More info ..]