How is Nightingale distinct from other birds?

Why is nightingale special bird

In the kingdom of birds nightingale enjoys a unique status for its ability to sing. This quality of nightingale has made it quite popular with poets and no bird has been written of so much by the poets as the nightingale.According to the poets the nightingale sings only at night and in almost any season of the year. Poets had a wrong perception because they could hear it only in the night and not in the day. The reason for this being that the song of nightingale is not audible in the day as it is being overshadowed by the chirping of other birds but it is distinctly heard in the silence of the night.

Again since nightingale is a migratory bird hence its voice is generally not heard throughout the year at a particular place. From season to season it migrates to different places. Another surprising fact about this bird is that it is only the male nightingale that sings. The reason is to attract its female species from the neighbouring bush or tree. The male and female resemble brown above and dull greyish-white beneath.

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