Which are the largest and smallest flowers?

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<blockquote><p><strong>Which are the largest and smallest flowers?</strong></p></blockquote>
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Smallest and largest flowers of the world

The biggest flower in the world is Rafflesia arnoldii. It is found in the sumatran jungle and can have a diameter of over a yard. It is about .75 inch thick and weight about 7 kg. The flower can grow to 91cm. wide. It blooms for five to seven days. It is reddish or orange brown in colour. It has an unpleasent odour which is attractive to flies. These flies carry out the pollination process. Rafflesia is a parasitic plant and feeds on the sap of trees. It does not have any leaves. The largest recorded chrysanthemum flower was cultivated by Francois Santini of Indre-et-lorie, france. This giant flower was 2.5m tall and had 4041 blooms.

Smallest and largest flowers - pilea-microphylla

The smallest of all flowers is wolffia punctata an aquatic duckweed which has fronds only .6 mm long and .013 mm. wide. According to some recent data the smallest flower in diameter is that of pilea-microphylla of western India. Its diameter is .35mm.

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