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Plants and Animals

Why do snakes shed their skins?

Snakes are long reptiles, having no legs.Snakes are cold blooded animals and are found in all parts of the world. They move along by wriggling their bodies. They probably evolved from a group of lizareds that took up a burrowing way of life…. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Do snakes love music?

The snakes do not have a auditory structure. They have a bony rod called columella auris. This bone extends from the fenestra ovalis to the quadratebone. This bone has a special structure which hepls it to detect the ground vibrations. But it can not detect vibrations in the air….. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

How do animals and plants survive in deserts?

The vegetation of a desert is mainly thorny shrubs cacti and plam trees. Cacti and other desert plants have adapted themselves to live in desert condition. They have evolved ways to store water in their fleshy stems. The leaves have squeazed themselves into tiny thorns to reduce the loss of water… [… More info ..]