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Plants and Animals

Can one tree produce the fruit of a different tree?

It is a fact that many trees can produce the fruit of another kind of tree by a simple method called ‘grafting’. It is an artificial method or technique of vegetative reproduction in which a small branch or bud of any desired plant is inserted into another rooted plants. This is called plant propagation. .. [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

How do animals and plants survive in deserts?

The vegetation of a desert is mainly thorny shrubs cacti and plam trees. Cacti and other desert plants have adapted themselves to live in desert condition. They have evolved ways to store water in their fleshy stems. The leaves have squeazed themselves into tiny thorns to reduce the loss of water… [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Which is the most dangerous bird in the world?

The cassowary is found in New Guinea and North Australia. It is a secretive forest dweller and is seldom seen but often heard croaking and bellowing. It cannot fly but runs at a great speed on its powerful legs. The cassowary is the dangerous bird in the world… [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

How does a chameleon change its colour?

Chameleon is a variety of lizard which often changes its colour to match with its surroundings. This is possible because of the colour-containing cells beneath the skin. The upper layer of a Chameleon’s skin is transparent but the layer just underneath it has cells containing yellow black and red pigments… [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Why do camel have humps?

Camel is called the ship of the desert because it has the ability to survive in the desert without food and water for six to ten days. They are able to withstand the loss of about one-third of their body fluid without danger… [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Do plants also breathe?

All living beings breathe in order to survive. Plants are living beings and they also breathe to survive. The only difference between animals and plants in this regard is that while the animals inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide the plants inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen during the day and inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide at night… [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Why do birds sing?

The songs and calls are imporatant methods of communication among birds. They sing to attract mates in the mating season to warn other birds of any incoming danger from predators and to establish danger from predators and to establish their home territories or nesting area… [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Which birds cannot fly?

There are several species of birds on earth which cannot fly because they stopped using their wings for flying many thousands of years ago. Perhaps neither the environment around them nor their living conditions required them to fly.As a result their wings almost fell into disuse and gradually they became flightless… [… More info ..]

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Plants and Animals

Does any bear wears glasses?

This spectacled bear is found in tropical south America. It is very small in size. An interesting pattern is made on its facil. Area when a creamy yellow snout with fur of the same colour runs down from the nose and sometimes it makes a ring around the eyes and then cross the nose. These rings are the so-called glasses. .. [… More info ..]